Sunday, November 28, 2004


Thanks to Ben, Alex and Joann for coordinating the entire event.
Thanks to the Youth Groups involved, and the representatives who were present to help!
Thank you, Lord for the time spent and the fun we had amidst the hard work!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

You are far
When i could have been your star
You listened to people
Who scared you to death, and from my heart
Strange that i was wrong enough
To think you'd love me too
I guess you were kissing a fool
You must have been kissing a fool

-Kissing a Fool, Michael Bublé

Cool song, and very great to chill out to...
Ahh...Today's Wednesday, one day after my horrifying experience
with Basic Mathematics! :p *YEUUCHH!*
Tomorrow's my appointment with the Complementary Medicine Practitioner!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Okay..I'm a bit slow.
But the teaser trailer for the next in the Star Wars Installment is out!!
Yes, the trailer for the Revenge of the Sith is out at!
Here are some snippets from it.... Cool....

"Master, I'm E-V-I-L now..."

The Jedi Master vs His Padawan Disciple.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Ever thought of going back to the past to change things and maybe even alter the present??
Well...I guess everyone's seen the entire Back to the Future series 3 times over and over (on TV....) or the movie The Time Machine. How about that brainless Van Damme movie, TimeCop??

The Back to the Future series certainly dealt with the idea of time travel in a lighter note, though there is a bit of mess when you get to Marty McFly travelling to the past then back to the present(which is actually the alternate present) then back to the future, thus resulting in an alternate present again because of an alternate past caused by.........on...and on.......Haha, you get the point, dun you?? True, there's a bit of a fright when you realise you could actually get attracted by your own mother in the past...and then your dad wouldnt meet ur mom, and then you wouldn't exist at all... "Oh no, Crap!"

Let's look at the Time Machine concept. Well, it seems that when you're meant to die, you're meant to die huh. That God has a plan for all of us, so when our time's up, there's just no way to prevent that from happening. Maybe you can only alter how you'll die, but plainly said you'll still die afterall. Sad sad loser that character Guy Pearce played...

Yeah..These movies really deal with the fact that altering your past could, and almost always seem to alter your present whether you like it or not.

Anyway, you might be wondering why in the world am I talking so much about time travel..? Hah, of course I'm like your weekly movie critic/ reviewer. So, here's what inspired me to talk about time travel. It's the movie The Butterfly Effect.

In case you haven't watched it, you should (whoever's reading this blog).
It deals with this guy (played rather well by a usually-not-so-serious Ashton Kutcher) who can travel back to his own past and alter events in his life, all this by staring hard at the pages of a journal which he has kept since he was a child. The spooky thing about this thriller is how it seems that no matter how he goes back to change his past, at the end of the day something bad will always happen (either to himself or someone he loves). Really chilling too, cos it's rather realistic and really puts things in perspective for yourself and your own lives.

And in case you're wondering what the title of the movie's got to do with the movie. Here's the story behind it...
It seems that the flap of a little butterfly in one part of the world can ultimately lead to a gigantic tsunami at another part of the world. Sort of like a Snowball effect too. Basically it ties to the movie about the often disastrous effects that altering your past can have on your present life.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Well Well... I thought I wouldn't be caught dead mugging
But I guess I am mugging, or at least I was mugging for the last few hours from
the morning till about just.
My brain has hit saturation level for the day, can't go in no more. :p

Am now at the 6th floor of the Central Library with the gang, studying at Discussion Room 1.
Haha..Think that we've been making lots of noise in the room; seems like the rest of level 6
is staring at our antics. "Aghhh...Who cares??!!"

So this is life...
We are so EXCITING. :)

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Big Fish is a really touching tale.
Haha, a tale about telling tales.

Even every word you say now is a tale, just how close to the truth is it?
Even tales are as real as it can be, All depends on who hears the tale.
Even broken clocks tell the true time twice a day!!

This is the last week of tests for me. After this, we'll be facing the upcoming
examinations. Oh well, this sem has really gone by so darn fast!