Sunday, December 25, 2005

Have a Blessed Christmas!

Here lie the photos from Post-Christmas Midnite Mass!
Some are from dinner at my Aunt's place.

Yes, my friends from church came over to my place to 'tonn' the night!
Had an interesting experience just sharing the peace and joy of Christ's birth with all my friends! We had lotsa food, drinks (no alcohol!!) and carols!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hand-made Notebooks at $4 each!

Notebooks for sale!!!

Here are 4 designs of A5 note-books hand-made specially for raising funds for CTK's 10th Annual Dinner & Dance.

If you're interested in purchasing one at a very low price of $4 only, please SMS me!
For those from CTK, the notebooks are on sale at the DnD ticketing counter every weekend.
For those from outside CTK, SMS me and I'll make an arrangement to pass to you at a suitable time and date.

Do give your support to the youths of CTK in this major project of the year! :)

Design A: 3 wise men (Black & White)
Design B: Nativity Scene
Design C: 3 wise men (Coloured)
Design D: CTK Youths T-shirt Winning Design

Each book is 50-pages thick, with Bible verses on the bottom of every page.
It comes with a 2006 calendar page too!


Welcome to my safari! Haha, due to my handy digicam, I've been up to some mischief these few days!! Okay those of you with 'bent' thoughts better keep those thoughts to yourself! >:p

I snapped this little squirrel running around outside my kitchen window; ledged onto the palm tree growing just outside.

Funny little fella almost tried to enter my kitchen as he jumped off the palm tree. Luckily I was there to prevent its illegal entry, if not I think I'd have a lot to explain to my parents.. (Imagine: Squirrel running around the kitchen=DISASTER) As usual this fella climbed all the way up a coconut tree to chew on..NUTS! Haha, when I saw the squirrel chewing on the young coconuts It really reminded me of the squirrels from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.. The ones that were trying to chew Veruca Salts apart!!

Next up, I got this little descendant of the dinosaur... The Monitor Lizard crawling along the road around Ponggol area! Haha... Imagine a tiny monitor lizard. The car I was in almost went over that tiny fella! Cute.