Life is so strange isn't it? Just when you thought things couldn't get weird...they get weirder, but in a subtle way... There's always this question..Why didn't things turn out the way I wanted them to in the past? Now, they come back to haunt me, and I have to encounter the truth once more(make that twice in a year). Yes, apparently some pple are meant to cross paths again. But alas, I'm no longer the man I used to be. And whatever's been before.. it dun matter no more, cos the feelings are gone. Ah, "if only..." That's always the word. BUT I've learnt to move with the times, to cherish what I have, to appreciate who I have right NOW and not before, not long ago, BUT NOW. History is there for you to learn lessons from. If you dun learn nothing from it, then oh well..It serves no purpose then. But if it did mean something to you , then now you learn how not to get hurt again. Ah, I was a young punk then. Now, I know I've changed. That was me then. This is me now. My life is different, my goals are different, my struggles are different and even my heart has matured, weathered under storms of yonder years.
People ask me why wait? I say I have nothing to lose. Things happen here and around. This is part and parcel of life. But trust and hope I must have during this stage. Because I believe that love transcends no boundaries: Distance, Time nor Space. Ah well, love's always a mystery/ a detective novel. The clues are abound in unlocking the mystery, but you've got to do it the right way, in the right sequence, in the right time. Ah, so difficult... No second chances. One wrong move and you're bacon for life... Hmm... I dun wanna be no Indiana Jones. I wanna be me. Only me.