Friday, April 22, 2005


We have a new pope!!

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Benedict XVI a.k.a. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Hardliner, some pple say...
Too old, some others say...
I have nothing to say...
I just pray that he will lead the people in the right light,
and unite the world in peace.

Living in the shadow of John Paul II isn't easy,
So, to all you Catholics and Christians out there: Pray for our new pope!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Roman Catholic Church has lost its leading spiritual guide...
Pope John Paul II today.

A man of great simplicity, and humility;
A man just like anyone of us here,
A man susceptible to sickness and ageing.
Yet it was through his sufferings and his trials
that he changed the lives of many, Catholics and non-Catholics.

Always keep in him in your prayers, I know I will.

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